Rental Property Bathroom Tile Grout Refresh Bedminster

Bathroom Tiling Refresh at Bedminster Rental Property

A local letting agent was in touch earlier this year regarding the renovation of bathroom tiling at a rental property in Bedminster in Bristol. The one-bedroom flat had just become vacant and the landlord had agreed to have the work done in order to improve its prospects on the rental market.

Rental Property Bathroom Tile Grout Before Refresh Bedminster Rental Property Bathroom Tile Grout Before Refresh Bedminster

The grout around the ceramic tiles over the bath had become very stained, and the silicone was mouldy and needed replacing. I had carried out previous work like this for the letting agent, so they recommended me without hesitation. I supplied a quote and the client agreed. Luckily, I was able to carry out the job that week while it was still empty, so the property could quickly be re-let.

Rental Property Bathroom Tile Grout Before Refresh Bedminster

Renovating Bathroom Ceramic Tile and Grout

I started by spraying the grout with Tile Doctor Duo Clean as this is brilliant at removing grime, mould, build-up of cleaning products that accumulate over time in the shower. The grout however had areas of deep-seated staining and would need more work.

The quickest way of renovating stained grout is to apply a grout colourant which is also much cheaper than re-grouting. Before applying the colourant, I started by scrubbing in a Pre-Treater to the grout. This prepares the surface for the colour itself and creates a surface that it can bond to. After 5-10 minutes scrubbing the grout, water was applied to remove the pre-treatment. I then removed the stained silicone around the bath, shower screen and corner wall area.

Once the grout was dry, two coats of Grout Colourant were applied by painting it onto the grout cleaning away any left behind on the tile as I went. In this case we went with a White colourant but there are 11 different colours to choose from including several shades of grey.

Once the Grout Colourant was applied, I moved onto the last step of applying a new strip of mould resistant silicone between the bath and tiling. Again, this product is available in numerous colours and in this case, I went with White to match the grout.

The works were completed in less than a day and I think you will agree the bathroom now looked a lot more appealing. Unfortunately, tenants do not always keep the properties as clean as they should but the new grout colourant will make the grout so much easier to clean going forward.

Rental Property Bathroom Tile Grout After Refresh Bedminster Rental Property Bathroom Tile Grout After Refresh Bedminster

I understand from the agent that viewings took place the next day and the property was quickly re-let.


Professional Restoration of a Ceramic Tiled Bathroom in Bristol

1 thought on “Bathroom Tiling Refresh at Bedminster Rental Property”

  1. Completing over 2,000 renovations every year, Tile Doctor is the largest and most respected restorative Tile, Stone and Grout cleaning network in the UK. We have perfected numerous related services so whatever or wherever your problem, call us on 0345 512 01222 for help and advice.

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